Welcome to Kentucky Family Policy

This blog is dedicated to examining issues facing the Commonwealth of Kentucky and providing a nonpartisan, family perspective on public policy making. We hope to provide a forum for Kentuckians to review and discuss current legislative actions and the issues such actions are attempting to address. The opinions expressed herein belong solely to the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the University of Kentucky, its affiliates, or its representatives.

What the authors of this blog will contribute:
1) Summarize current state, national, and international research related to topics relevant to current legilative actions.
2) Describe Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service programs and activities currently addressing issues related to legilative actions in the various counties.
3) Provide expert commentaries via podcasts and videocasts on issues relevant to current legilative actions.

Please see "Priority Bills" section on the right for a short list of the most current legislative actions relevant to the family focus of this blog

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Spotlight Series: Harrison County

Our continuing "Spotlight Series": Harrison

Cooperative Extension Service provides a range of educational programming and activities to support the well-being of Kentuckians. One good example is in Harrison County where FCS Extension convened a network for community leaders and served as a primary sponsor of the first annual Healthy Informed Men program attended by 88 men. Cash and in-kind donations totaling $1,800 were secured to support the program. Written evaluations following the program indicated 100% gained information on when to go to the doctor, heart disease, prostate health, and urinary health; and 71% rated the program as very helpful or helpful. Behavior changes planned include “will seek further information,” “going to the doctor for checkups more,” and “going for further treatment or screenings.” Other men responded that the best part was meeting with other people with the same problems, receiving trustworthy information, and participating in a gender specific program.

For more information about the needs of families in Harrison County and how UK Cooperative Extension is providing services, please click here to see the full Harrison County Family and Consumer Extension Profile

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