Welcome to Kentucky Family Policy

This blog is dedicated to examining issues facing the Commonwealth of Kentucky and providing a nonpartisan, family perspective on public policy making. We hope to provide a forum for Kentuckians to review and discuss current legislative actions and the issues such actions are attempting to address. The opinions expressed herein belong solely to the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the University of Kentucky, its affiliates, or its representatives.

What the authors of this blog will contribute:
1) Summarize current state, national, and international research related to topics relevant to current legilative actions.
2) Describe Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service programs and activities currently addressing issues related to legilative actions in the various counties.
3) Provide expert commentaries via podcasts and videocasts on issues relevant to current legilative actions.

Please see "Priority Bills" section on the right for a short list of the most current legislative actions relevant to the family focus of this blog

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Securing Financial Stability

Kentucky's unemployment rate is 9.8%, according to the U.S. Dept. of Labor. The reality of this economic indicator is that local people are concerned about rising prices and stability of family income. Slashing grocery bills is one strategy that has helped Breckinridge County families. Couponing 101 was taught by the Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent five times to over 130 people. Meal planning, shopping lists, coupon etiquette, resources, coupon policies, and stock piling were covered. Before the class, 88% used coupons, with 47% using them occasionally and 40% planning shopping according to coupon use. After the class, participants reported decreasing their food costs from 10 to 80% as a result of the skills they developed.

To see the entire Building Strong Families county profile for Breckinridge County, Please click the link.

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