Welcome to Kentucky Family Policy

This blog is dedicated to examining issues facing the Commonwealth of Kentucky and providing a nonpartisan, family perspective on public policy making. We hope to provide a forum for Kentuckians to review and discuss current legislative actions and the issues such actions are attempting to address. The opinions expressed herein belong solely to the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the University of Kentucky, its affiliates, or its representatives.

What the authors of this blog will contribute:
1) Summarize current state, national, and international research related to topics relevant to current legilative actions.
2) Describe Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service programs and activities currently addressing issues related to legilative actions in the various counties.
3) Provide expert commentaries via podcasts and videocasts on issues relevant to current legilative actions.

Please see "Priority Bills" section on the right for a short list of the most current legislative actions relevant to the family focus of this blog

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The impact of financial education in high school and college

This post is in relation to House Bill 51

In order to secure the financial future of our nation’s families and citizens, people need to make sound money managing decisions. Financial education can serve to help increase financial literacy and awareness. A recent study investigated the impact of finance education on investment knowledge and household savings rates years after the financial education was delivered from 1,039 alumni of a large Midwestern university.

Participation in college level course in personal finance was associated with higher levels of investment knowledge and savings rates.

This study found that financial education in college can have a positive impact on financial decision making. Individuals and families who make sound financial decisions are more likely to have secure financial futures. Educating people in college may be at least one important avenue for helping to build a financially secure nation.

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